Contact Ian Hampson for information on the broad range of support services that we offer...
FBW offers a range of support services and can demonstrate an excellent track record in:
Hazard Identification and Mitigation is a crucial element in the delivery of engineering projects and FBW have a trained team of engineers greatly experienced in the facilitation of HAZID, HAZOP and ALM studies. Using specialist software FBW have carried out almost 1000 studies across the globe ranging from simple pumping stations to complex process plants. We not only facilitate the study meeting but continue to support the project teams in ensuring that the actions from the HAZOP and ALM are implemented and the process closed out. We also recognise the need to review hazards in construction and commissioning, as well as design, and can offer HAZCON and HAZCOMM facilitation.
DSEAR Assessments
Tender preparation, analysis and appraisal
Value engineering
Condition surveys
Asset management plans
Equipment inspection and compliance checks
Works performance testing
O&M Manual production